Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Keep It Real

I can't seem to conquer the fatigue.  It's day nine.  This is how I felt early in my treatments and I'm hoping it's not another infection.  I called my doctor this morning, but both he and his nurse are on vacation.  So I called the advising nurse with my insurance company.  I have not heard back from her yet.

This is probably normal for chemotherapy, and I can hardly complain about being tired.  It gets frustrating and a bit depressing to sleep all day when it is so beautiful outside.  There will be more pretty days.

Yesterday was my birthday, to throw another pity log on the fire.  I slept the entire day, but I was blown away by the number of people who called, emailed, and sent cards.  There is no doubt that I am blessed.  I never knew there were so many renditions of "Happy Birthday."  I even got flowers and cupcakes.  Thank you everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Thanks for posting your feelings and hopes. I hope your energy is renewed soon and you can get out more into the nice weather. Think of you daily ... from here in NC.