Friday, June 20, 2008

Mm Mm Good

One of my favorite actresses of all times, Miss Piggy, once said, "Never eat more than you can lift."

This past week, I have had to install a forklift to assist me with my appetite. Evidently, that tiny pink pill called Prednisone packs a powerful punch for food craving.  I cannot stop eating.

For the first time in my life, I laid awake in bed last night compulsively focused on all the food downstairs in the kitchen.  Finally I got up, ate an entire box of cereal and a bowl of ice cream, and then seriously considered making cookies.

I'm certainly not complaining.  I have been trying to gain weight and this seems like the gift I have been waiting for.

If it's not moving, eat it.  If it's moving, shoot it and eat it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very glad to hear you are eating well again! I hope it shows soon and you are feeling better!

On your previous entry ... this comment is about as good as it gets! Thanks for sharing:

"In spiritual terms, once we have learned the lessons that our challenges were sent to teach us, the challenges themselves dissolve, evaporate, transform into gifts."

Keep up the good bloggin' ... and your wonderful attitude ... still enjoyin' reading whats happening in your life!