Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Healthy Balanced Blog

When deciding the ingredients for my blog, I try to stick to a healthy balanced diet.

There is a lot of heavy meat.  Subjects like reducing stress, knowing when to move on in our lives, our time on earth being just a stop at the 7-Eleven, dealing with life's punches and trusting in our futures.  I've tried to insert pieces of wisdom from other cancer patients that I have read. Often times, there is so much to contemplate, it's a bit overwhelming for me.

I sometimes blog about personal situations like emergency room visits, my symptoms, friends who help me, the love of my family, the amazing quilt that my sister made for me, and my garden.

For spice and garnish, I sprinkle a little about hummingbirds, a lymph note musical, questioning why they don't have Vicodin in Purgatory, renaming medications like iSick or MakeMePoop, and breast milk.

I know my most memorable and intense blog will always be from April 22 on the beach. Rereading it gives me comfort and strength.

More than anything else, I try to emphasize that life is good, challenges are opportunities, and our future is as bright as we choose to see it.

I wish I could say that I have always been a good reader, but I can't, so I like transferring my current reading cravings into metaphors of sugar and fat.  I've always been great at consuming those elements.

My appetite for all of the above ingredients seems insatiable.  And I often get so full from trying to eat it all up that I feel like I'm going to burst.

Tomorrow after chemo, a little more heavy fare about being true to ourselves.

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